Contrary to popular belief, massage guns and recovery tools are not just for athletes. They help to ease general muscle soreness as well as improving flexibility and mobility. This revolutionary piece of equipment could be the answer to your prayers!
A percussion massage gun is a hand-held deep tissue tool that uses rapid strokes to stimulate blood flow to the muscles. It delivers strong pulses and vibrations into the muscle tissue, promoting better circulation, relaxing the muscles, and easing pain and soreness.
So you just got yourself a brand new massage gun that you saw the ads on TV but had no clue how to use massage gun head attachments? Or just solely curious what are the right way on how to use massage gun head attachments since the user manual didn't mentioned much?
This article are here to help!
The BOOSTER Elite massage gun comes with 8 different attachment heads, all intended for different uses. But what do they each do? Take a look at our massage gun attachment guide to find out how to use massage gun heads.

Big round head
This attachment is predominantly used for large muscle groups like the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. It covers a larger surface area, enabling you to target the larger muscle groups all at once.
Small round head
Perfect for overall use on large and small muscle groups. This one is usually the go-to attachment for general use.
Flat head
This particular massage gun attachment is perfect for shoulder blades and IT bands, as it is great for full body massage and relaxation. Precisely engineered for smaller surface area and it is also perfect for use on more dense muscle groups.
Bullet head
Used for pinpoint muscle treatment and smaller muscle groups like hands and feet. It’s great for trigger point massage but shouldn’t be used for longer than 15 seconds per muscle area.
Spinal head
Used mostly for trigger points and the lower back. It can be used on either side of the spine, but should not be used directly on the bone.
Pneumatic head
Used mostly for tender or areas. Great to use all over the body. More suitable for sensitive muscle groups and soft tissue relaxation.
The massage gun attachment uses
When using your massage gun, you can simply choose one of the 8 available attachment heads then place the gun on the desired muscle area and let the pulses do the work.
You should move the massage gun slowly around the muscle area in a circular motion and change the speed setting to suit your needs, with the highest speed reaching 3200 RPM.
Warning: Never use the massage gun directly on the joints or bones.
Now you know how to use massage gun heads, you’re ready to go! Check out the full range of BOOSTER muscle recovery tools including the massage gun in our shopping hub!