Theragun, how good was it?

Theragun, how good was it?

If you are somebody who suffers regular muscle aches and general body pains, then it is very likely that you are considering ways to find relief. Massage is accepted as a majorly beneficial option but it isn't a service that is available on demand and having a need for multiple sessions can be expensive.

The alternative is therapeutic devices that you can use at home (or gym or office even). They offer the convenience of being available whenever you want it and also saves you money because it is just the initial outlay to buy the device versus payment for individual sessions.

There are plenty of different options available on the market designed to deliver relief from pain and muscle soreness, but one of the most effective is a massage gun.

Massage guns are not exactly brand new when it comes to treating muscle stiffness and soreness, but something that is noticeable is ongoing technological advancements and scientific understanding that make these devices increasingly more effective.

Once upon a time patients had to settle for choosing between one or two well-known options for massage guns, but in today’s landscape, there are literally hundreds of names, brands and varieties to browse before making a decision!

The important thing to remember here is that there is a wide spectrum of options when it comes to the price that you are willing to pay for a massage gun, starting from very cheap going all the way up to very expensive.

Of course, the difference in price is justified by a difference in quality, so it depends on what you are looking for and what you are willing to pay!

Here we compare one of the most expensive devices - the Theragun, with more standard massage guns. Here are some of the key pieces of information that you need to know when it comes to a Theragun versus a generic massage gun!

What Is The Theragun?

So, firstly, let’s answer the most important and most obvious question. What is a Theragun?

Theragun is the brand name of a massage gun conceived and developed by Dr Jason Wersland as a solution to the debilitating pain he suffered following a road accident. It is currently (July 2021) in its 4th generation.

The Theragun is a state of the art, professional-grade massage gun that is intended to provide a superior deep tissue massage. Some of the features that the device boasts that many people believe set it apart from the rest include:

  • A rotating arm with an ergonomic multi-grip handle that means you are able to achieve the best possible positions to address the specific muscle pain that you are experiencing.
  • A QX150 motor equipped with something called QuietForce Technology, which ensures that you are able to use the massage gun in any environment without any worry about the level of noise that the gun is making.
  • A huge capacity for battery life with an average of 300 minutes. Having a battery life this long means that you rarely have to worry about running out of power when you need it the most. This makes the Theragun an ideal choice of massage gun if you are somebody who likes to go on trips where you won’t always be close to power outlets, but still want relief from your regular muscle pain!
  • The Theragun is one of the first massage guns of its kind that offers Smart Therabody App Integration with Bluetooth. The handy app on your phone enables you to keep a record of your massage gun use, along with things like suggested programmes that address different muscle groups to ensure that the massage gun gives you the most beneficial treatment possible.
  • The Theragun is a massage gun that boasts a really attractive OLED screen, and this can be really helpful in making sure that you know what you are doing at all times thanks to a clear screen with clear symbols and instructions.
  • One of the most important factors in a good massage gun, the Theragun features a customisable speed settings range that allows you much greater control and freedom in the depth and intensity of the massage that you receive. This is really important with a massage gun because you don’t want to do yourself harm by being too aggressive with a certain muscle. Thanks to the speed settings range that Theragun has, you are able to adjust the percussive power to your specific needs.

Are There Different Kinds Of Theraguns?

If you have decided that you want the extended battery life, deep tissue massage, blood flow enhancing qualities of the Theragun massage gun, then you might be happy to learn that there are various types of massage guns within the range.

Here is a brief overview of each of the different massage guns available within the Theragun range.

Theragun PRO

This is the premier massage gun in the range. It is professional grade and one of the best massage guns for percussive therapy currently available (July 2021).

The Theragun Pro comes with a carrying case and for the higher price point, it provides an unbelievable range of motion thanks to its ergonomic design.

Your muscle tissue can be addressed with speed, and the various attachments that the massage gun comes with make it a versatile gadget that packs a lot of power. The Theragun PRO has one of the best massage head attachments and carrying case on the market.

Theragun Elite

This is the next level down on the Theragun massage gun ladder, the Theragun Elite. It is a slightly less powerful gun than the PRO, but you still receive all of the percussive benefits for your muscles and the gun will easily get rid of the excess lactic acid that might be causing a certain muscle group a lot of pain.

Powered by a lithium ion battery, the Elite might not be the PRO, but it is still one of the best massage guns available with more than three speed settings. You will be hard pushed to find more than three speed settings in less expensive massage guns.

Your sore muscles and muscle groups will benefit from the various attachment heads.

Theragun Prime

The Theragun Prime is a simplified version of the PRO and Elite massage guns, but it still provides all of the amazing percussion benefits for your muscles and the right level of power to deliver good massage to specific muscle groups and reduce lactic acid problems.

You don't need a professional grade massage gun with the longest battery life in the world to achieve the deep tissue massage that you want. The Prime has enough strokes per minute to stimulate the kind of blood flow that is beneficial.

Theragun Mini

The Theragun mini is the smallest massage gun in the range, but don't let that fool you, it is still one of the best massage guns around. The battery life is equal to the others in the range, and small massage guns can sometimes give more percussions per minute for a smaller muscle group.

The Theragun mini massage gun can still achieve brilliant intensity levels for muscles all over your body, and even though it doesn't have as many attachments as a larger massager, the power is still enough to provide great percussion at a great price point.


Are There Other Massage Gun Alternatives?

Of course, the Theragun is not the only massage gun device or gadget that is available.

There are many different massage guns available for at-home use with a wide range of price points. Although with massage guns it isn’t always a case of the most expensive being the best, there is a general feeling that the cheaper the gun is, the more basic your massage experience is going to be.

If you cannot afford a Theragun, then you will be able to find a wide array of other massage gun options that are able to more than adequately perform the basic muscle soreness and pain relief functions that you are seeking. The more basic models will not have the same customisable options that a more expensive massage gun will provide but that doesn't make them any less worthwhile.

Speed settings are an important part of determining the best massage gun, along with battery life. Cheaper options also might not have interchangeable heads, which can make a big difference regarding intensity levels.

One of the main differences that you will notice between a Theragun and a more basic massage gun is the level of quality in the manufacture. The design and build of the Theragun will feel much more sturdy and high quality in your hand, whereas a cheaper alternative might feel much lighter and be manufactured from less expensive and less luxurious materials.

Durability is also something to consider when weighing up the decision of buying expensive models like the Theragun versus another massage gun. Yes, you have to pay more upfront on the initial purchase, but it is very likely that your Theragun is going to last a lot longer and be more effective for a longer period of time compared to a massage gun at a lower price

We have been talking a lot about the Theragun range, but there are some other ranges that claim to have the best massage guns on the market. If you love your foam roller but you don't think that a foam roller is doing the job for your sore muscles anymore, then maybe one of these massage gun options might suit you:

Click into the link to see how each product compare against each other!


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